Our December 2018 regional

Never to early to plan. You don’t rate to win anything. Neither do I. But it’s about the journey, right?  What else do we have going on in late December, anyway.

Kaplan Regional Ad 2018

Edgar Kaplan was one of the old-time all-time luminaries of my bridge career. He was invariably polite, gentle, and yet very opinionated ( he was involved in both The Bridge World magazine as well as whoever/whatever crafts the laws of bridge ).

Here’s my Edgar story.  Over a decade ago, I was kibitzing my two friends Lapt C. and David F playing against Edgar and someone of equally lofty stature in a Von Zedwidtz KO ( this is now gone, but we’re talking about restarting it in a way that makes it easier to participate.  Maybe we’ll put up some free entries as a micro-reward. ) .

Lapt had some sort of 5-5 and bid 2N  over Edgar’s 1S to show Diamonds and Clubs, but due to a slip of the wrist/mind, happened to actually hold Hearts and Diamonds. I’ve been there.

David, being a good pard, bid only 3C.  Not vulnerable, Lapt tried to improve the contract over Edgar’s minor squirm by bidding 3D.  David retreated to some number of clubs, and Edgar squirmed again.  Confident in his luck, Lapt went to the well one more time, and even Edgar wasn’t enough of a gentleman to pretend he didn’t have a red card, so my boys went for a number after all.

Lapt being who he was, was annoyed at David. David of course was amused, as was Edgar.

Just typing this makes me nostalgic for the days when we could attend regionals and find great players playing with each other at your table. One of Edgar’s teammates,  Richie Pavlicek is still active in tournament bridge. I run into him at the table once in a while. Just like Edgar, he’s invariably polite, pretending to not notice anyone’s misbids and misplays, teaching comportment by example.  His website is a great timesuck with lots of resources for a wide range of players.



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New blood & old blood

Highlights from the recently concluded Atlanta NABC

  1. Andrew Rosenthal’s squad pulled off a #2 in the Spingold KO
  2. Columbia University’s foursome came in fourth in the Collegiate Bowl
  3. Alex Perlin won the NABC Online Individual

So, the Spingold.  Look at these guys.

Andrew Rosenthal's Spingold team

Spingold #2 — Rosenthal


The guy on the far left is David Berkowitz, playing with the woman in the middle. And, presumably, matches. Not that even that would affect Migry Zur Campanile’s game.  Chris  Willenkin far right, paired with Eldad Ginossar (second from left) made up the second pair. Aaron Silverstein (resting his chin on Migry’s hair) and everyone’s pal Andrew made up the team.

I followed this team on Vugraph. All of them obviously all played very well given the outcome, but I want to single out David and Migry for excellent performances, both jointly and individually. Ask David what he did to our beloved Zia with Ax opposite Qx.

Here is the last segment of the semi-final.  Chris and Eldad on board 29!

On to the Collegiate Bowl.  ACBL pushed this event heavily, and was loose with the purse strings, providing free trips, prizes, pre-NABC competitions and what-not.

This is the Columbia University team. The lady in the middle is Giorgia Botta.  That’s Coach to you.

The players are (Simon) Yang Xu, Max Krawczyk , Jing Zhang, and (Jeff) Jiaheng Hu.  I don’t know them, but they’re clearly smart and talented, and I hope to run into them at the bridge table.

Collegiate #4 – Columbia

Alex Perlin won the 3rd NABC Online Individual. I found a nice picture of Alex on some Math site, but I dunno if I can just hoover it up and spit it out here, so I won’t.  Instead, here’s an interview with Alex.

If you’re here, you’re wanting to know how everyone else did.  So, here:  Overall finishes by locals.

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North American Pairs are here:

 2018 North American Pairs Final  October 28th

You need to have qualified at a club ( don’t ask, it wasn’t me that decided that 50% at any of a series of club games was some sort of  mark of previously-concealed greatness ).

You also need to be a resident of our “District” ( ie, NYC or Long Island ). Or willing to lie about it. You know who you are.

I won’t be there, since my lame-ass partner will be tied up doing something non-bridge related.  There’s a lesson there somewhere.

If you don’t know whether you qualified, you can check  here. But I’m not going to bet on you winning the final if you need the assist.  The good new is that this list isn’t comprehensive, so if you’re not on it and somehow feel you belong on it, contact the club you think you played at and maybe they’ll agree that you qualified after all. It isn’t like anyone is going to check your credentials.

And just for fun, here’s a great article on pizza slices in NYC.   Mmmmmm.  https://www.seriouseats.com/2018/10/best-ny-pizza-slices-2018.html

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Youth Bridge Tournament results

The Youth Bridge Tournament was held on May 27th during the Regional.
7 tables, and here are the results:

mps A B

1.39 Red 1 50.50 72.14 Benji Binday Mason Sklar
1.12 Red 2 1 49.00 70.00 Jack Boge Katherine Hwang
0.84 Red 3 2 43.75 62.50 Isaac Fishman Lex Kappell
0.63 Red 4 3 39.08 55.83 Brad Derfner Connor Wolff
0.47 Red 5/6 4 35.58 50.83 Avery Silverstein Emma-Jane Terny
0.39 Red 5/6 35.58 50.83 Adin Moses Steven Borodkin

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Goldman Pairs

The Goldman Pairs at the Eastern States Regional is bridge’s  oldest continuous 4-session  championship going back to 1929.   This event with a 2 session qualifier on Saturday May 26and Final on May 27 is an amazing opportunity to test yourselves against some of the best players in New York and the  country.    The list of past winners reads like a who’s who of bridge [https://www.gnyba.org/winners/goldman]

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Fight Hunger Charity Game

Tuesday evening, May 22, the GNYBA will be holding a special charity game in partnership with City Harvest to raise money for their Skip Lunch, Fight Hunger campaign. Money raised will be used by City Harvest to provide meals over the summer months for kids who would otherwise be eligible for school
breakfasts and lunches. [Click Here for more info]

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March 20 – 26 STAC Results

March 20 – 26 STaC Results:


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Hail Columbia! (University, that is)

The Columbia University bridge team, represented by: Yang Xu (Simon), Jiaheng Hu (Jeff), Max Krawczyk and Jing Zhang, earned themselves a 4th spot – and an all-expense paid trip to Atlanta – to the Collegiate Bridge Bowl which will take place during the summer NABCs in Atlanta.

Full results here.

The first qualification tournament for the Collegiate Bridge Bowl took place Sunday, March 4th. The teams played 8 matches of 6 boards each and Columbia team won 5 of their 8 matches by large margins, losing by a few imps to Georgia Tech and Princeton (which finished 1st and 3rd respectively) and defeating Berkley, which finished 2nd. The Princeton team included 2 up and coming GNYBA players: Nathan Finkle and Sam Berman.

In the next qualification round 4 more teams will go through to Atlanta and then the final 2 spots will be determined via a series of daily BBO games awarding points to individual players (top 2 teams that accumulate most points will get the last 2 spots for the final).

The four players, along with other Columbia students, have been meeting and practicing – with the help of Giorgia Botta and the GNYBA – to improve their collegiate record and bring home the win in the upcoming tournament.

The final event will be played August 2nd through 4th in Atlanta. Stay tuned for results.

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May Regional – back at the Hilton

The May Regional (May 22-28) at the Hilton Midtown (54th & 6th) will feature a Fight Hunger Charity Game to kick off the event. Join us for this great cause.

This regional will feature a charity pairs and a youth tournament, We also have a Bulletin Board for players looking for partners. Check out the partnership desk.

Tournament information and schedule



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How close are you to your next rank?

Jay Whipple, the guy who brought us The Common Game, hosts a web page that analyzes your ACBL Rank and tells you what you need, and where to go get it.

No, no, not that, I’m talking about Silver, Red and Gold – the three legs of our frustrating Life Master tripod.

Curious? Enter your ACBL number in the form below. It’s like Googling yourself, but not as weird.

ACBL Number

Our forthcoming Regional (in May, at the midtown Hilton) will be one such source of advancement. The District 3 regional in Tarrytown is right around the corner as well ( Jan 22-28 ) and you don’t need to wait.

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