Highlights from the recently concluded Atlanta NABC
- Andrew Rosenthal’s squad pulled off a #2 in the Spingold KO
- Columbia University’s foursome came in fourth in the Collegiate Bowl
- Alex Perlin won the NABC Online Individual
So, the Spingold. Look at these guys.

Spingold #2 — Rosenthal
The guy on the far left is David Berkowitz, playing with the woman in the middle. And, presumably, matches. Not that even that would affect Migry Zur Campanile’s game. Chris Willenkin far right, paired with Eldad Ginossar (second from left) made up the second pair. Aaron Silverstein (resting his chin on Migry’s hair) and everyone’s pal Andrew made up the team.
I followed this team on Vugraph. All of them obviously all played very well given the outcome, but I want to single out David and Migry for excellent performances, both jointly and individually. Ask David what he did to our beloved Zia with Ax opposite Qx.
Here is the last segment of the semi-final. Chris and Eldad on board 29!
On to the Collegiate Bowl. ACBL pushed this event heavily, and was loose with the purse strings, providing free trips, prizes, pre-NABC competitions and what-not.
This is the Columbia University team. The lady in the middle is Giorgia Botta. That’s Coach to you.
The players are (Simon) Yang Xu, Max Krawczyk , Jing Zhang, and (Jeff) Jiaheng Hu. I don’t know them, but they’re clearly smart and talented, and I hope to run into them at the bridge table.

Collegiate #4 – Columbia
Alex Perlin won the 3rd NABC Online Individual. I found a nice picture of Alex on some Math site, but I dunno if I can just hoover it up and spit it out here, so I won’t. Instead, here’s an interview with Alex.
If you’re here, you’re wanting to know how everyone else did. So, here: Overall finishes by locals.