It may be Apocalypse Now outside, but fear not – thanks to BBO, priorities are still being addressed and there are *still* ways to keep your bridge heart full! Yes, online bridge is a distant second to the real thing, but we are living in the Era of Distance, and BBO has worked wonders to step up to the virtual plate!
So what is there to play? A lot, actually. You can play competitively or casually with friends, with strangers, against bots, or against yourself (check out the BridgeMaster section of BBO for free declarer challenges at all levels). (And BTW you don’t even have to PLAY! You can kibitz some of the world’s best if you keep your eyes peeled….)
But here’s the dessert menu as I see it, for those looking to replace their in-person duplicate experiences:
ACBL Support Your Club Games:
Fans of black points and club games, ACBL & BBO have heard your call and set up 18-board duplicate games.
When: 10a, 1p, 5p and 7:30p on the daily. These are seven minute rounds, three boards a round. At six rounds that’s about a 90 min game. Entry fee is $10 per pair and the money goes to support local bridge clubs. Beware, in this game you just might run into some familiar faces names online!
* TIP: you and your partner should hop online around well before the game starts (90-120 min before) to sign up and register. One person cannot register the partnership alone. Registration begins two hours prior to the game start time, and the games fill up fast. The current max is 400 pairs.
Where: Click “Competitive…ACBL Masterpoint Tournaments…ACBL Support Your Club Game”
What are Boca Grande Invitationals?
More to come, as it’s still in the pilot stage. ACBL & BBO are looking to simulate the experience of the local club game by creating an online version of the Common Game, which you will play on BBO against other players from your club. If you get an email asking you to participate in the “Boca Grande,“ you are part of the test pool…if not, look for an announcement in the next few weeks with details on the larger rollout.
Also Try Speedballs:
Great for a quick fix! These 12-board games take place in under an hour at four rounds of 3 boards each, 5 min per board. ACBL “colorless” points are awarded. Entry fee is $1.25 per person.
When: on the hour every hour, every day, with a current max of 300 pairs. You can sign up with or without a partner.
* TIP: Even hours are IMP Speedballs, odd hours are MP Speedballs.
Where: “Competitive…ACBL Masterpoint Tournaments….Speedball”
Daylong Tournaments:
If coordinating partners and schedules is not your jam, try a daylong tournament.
Meet the Bots! You will play with and against the computer in these 12-board games that you have all day to complete. Log on and off as you please as long as you finish by the day’s end. MPs or IMPs, as you choose.
Cost is $1.35. Results post the next day. Colorless points awarded for ACBL daylongs; BBO points awarded for BBO daylongs.
When: 24/7, anytime, every day.
* Tip: There’s a “Just Declare Daylong Tournament” if you want to skip the bidding challenges and test your declaring skills on an auction that’s already bid for you.
Where: “Competitive…BBO Tournaments…Daylong“ and/or under ”Competitive….ACBL Tournaments…Daylong”
BBO has a lot of free opportunities as well. Tune in later this week for more information on setting up challenges with friends, team matches, kibitzing and declarer lessons!