D24 NAP Finals for 2023-2024

The District 24 NAP Finals are less than two weeks away. As a reminder, NAPs are an all day, two-session pairs event split into 3 flights. Flight A is open to all eligible players, Flight B is limited to 0-2500 players, and Flight C for non-life masters with 0-500.

The location is 110 East 55th Street, 6th Floor starting at 11am. Entry fees are $50/person for the full day, including lunch and snacks for the club.

Flights A and C play on Sunday, October 15th. Flight B plays the following Sunday, October 22nd. Both days begin at 11am with our local favorite, director Alan Miller directing. If there are enough tables, we will run it as a Switch Mitchell, which is a little more complicated, but the math geeks at ACBL have determined it tends to be more fair by evenly distributing the impact of particularly weak or strong pairs.

Generous Gold Point Awards

As usual, NAP pays a very generous amount of Masterpoints for a one-day event. First place overall awards for each flight:

Flight A: 32 gold points + $1400/pair travel subsidy
Flight B: 22.50 gold points + $1400/pair travel subsidy
Flight C: 15 half gold / half red + $1400/pair travel subsidy

The 2nd place pair in each flight also receives a slightly lower Masterpoint award and $600/pair in travel subsidies. The 3rd place team in all flights as well as the 4th place team in Flights B and C may represent the district at the Spring NABC but will not receive a subsidy.

If you choose not to attend the national finals in March 2024, you will not be eligible for the travel subsidy but you may still keep the Masterpoints awarded.

Qualification Double Check

To double check whether you and your partner qualified, go to the D24 NAP qualifier list. https://web2.acbl.org/documentLibrary/play/NAP_Qualifiers/NAP_D24.htm

There are a few reports the list is not 100% accurate, so if that is the case, try to find the club game result where you believe you qualified. If you can show the game result, you will be allowed to play on 10/15 and 10/22.

Flight B and C to use Basic+ Chart

New this year, thanks to the Competitions and Conventions Committee, Flight C of the NAP and GNTs now use the Basic+ Chart instead of the Basic Chart. Several popular conventions such as Multi Landy and 2-suited preempts are allowed, as well as various artificial responses to a strong club opener. However, transfer-Walsh, opening 1D with no diamonds, and Polish Club are still disallowed.

If the entire last paragraph means nothing to you, then don’t worry, you are in the majority!

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1 Response to D24 NAP Finals for 2023-2024

  1. Pingback: Reminder: NAP 10/15 and 10/22 | Greater New York Bridge Association

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