As Fall 2019 NABC winds down with many excellent GNYBA member results, we set our eyes on the Woodbridge sectional next weekend, Dec 13-15 2019. Just like the Allendale sectionals, our neighboring Unit 140 is the host, but you’ll find New York regulars there. In fact, for months I mistakenly thought some silver-seeking NYC locals were from New Jersey, because Woodbridge and Allendale were the only times I saw them.
For some reason every time I Google for Woodbridge sectional or Allendale sectional, I get a link from 2 years ago and never the upcoming one. So here we go, the tournament flyer for the Woodbridge Dec 2019 sectional.

(disclaimer: Unit 140 and New Jersey is actually home to many world class players and NABC title holders, and you can most certainly get a game at your normal NYC club)
Woodbridge vs Allendale?
Most of us probably consider Woodbridge and Allendale interchangeable – but there are key differences. Allendale is the one where you can find a strip mall walking distance, complete with Blimpie’s sandwiches, a supermarket with a hot food section, and a generic Chinese restaurant with western favorites such as General Tso’s and Beef with Broccoli.
Woodbridge is the other one, with no obvious food establishments walking distance. You can drive to a 7-11 or Starbucks, but the venue always sells pizza and salads at very reasonable prices ($2 a slice?). There is also coffee, tea, and snacks all day long, but it is hidden away in a secret corner of the room (which keeps the coffee hot, I never even found it my first 2 sessions there).
Sunday has the biggest scheduling differences, for those who enjoy team games. Allendale is the sectional that starts later on Sunday, at 12:30pm. Woodbridge starts bright and early, with game time 10:30am. It is also bracketed teams, so they offer breakfast at 9:30am, hoping to reduce the usual 10:28am rush to buy entries (it makes the directors lives a lot more hectic).
Saturday afternoon offers IMP scoring for those playing A/X Open Pairs, but has an afternoon BCD pairs for those 0-3000 and remains matchpoints. There are 299er games both morning and aftenroon, each offering trophies and masterpoints for the winners.