Confirmed, Dist 24 NAP Registration Open!

As discussed yesterday, you and your partner must sign on to BBO and register together for the District 24 NAP game inside the ACBL World section. See screenshot below:

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The STaC and NAP Combo Weekend

First of all, the District 24 NAP Finals is tomorrow, online on BBO. How do you join? You and your partner need to log onto BBO prior to 10:30am ET tomorrow, and look for the appropriate game in ACBL World. If we find out more, we’ll post it here tomorrow morning.

Update: Look inside ACBL World, and you can find the three game called “Dist 24 NAP Flight A/B/C”. See screenshot below.

What is a STaC and NAP Combo?

It’s a term I just made up, but it means you play for silver points at our local Bridge and Games club, because all week long was STaC week. Then you follow it up by playing in the District 24 NAP Finals.

For this STaC week, it looks like the open game netted between 11-15 tables each weekday afternoon. That’s certainly less than the pre-Covid days, but a very nice step towards our return to face-to-face bridge.

Plenty of face-to-face tables this week, even on Saturday, for STaC week

As usual, STaC week games pay extra masterpoints, using the same formula as an Upgraded Club Championship. They are silver pigmented points, which saves us from doing the classic trek to Allendale and formerly Woodbridge.

Grand Sunday Reopening Tomorrow

Bridge and Games is also welcoming the return of their Sunday afternoon game. I’m a huge fan of the Sunday afternoon game, as once upon a time it was the very first NYC duplicate game I played. That would been Fall 2017, when former colleague Chris Moh convinced me to return from my 15-year long break from bridge. We started off tucked away into the L-shaped stem of the old Honors 14th floor, where the 0-750 games played. But to get there, we would walk past the massive 30+ table game in the main floor. I didn’t even realize the 12th floor had some bridge going on as well. Those were the days.

Anyway, tomorrow is a key step, as Bridge and Games at East 87th Street and 3rd Avenue returns to an open game every day of the week. The game today had 9 tables, not bad for a Saturday. As usual, come a bit early for an all-you-can eat lunch with tuna salad, cole slaw, egg salad, some deli cold cuts (ham and turkey), coffee, tea, and soda. Once the game begins, they bring out some cookies, cakes, and fruit bowls.

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District 24 North American Pairs Finals: 10/24/2021

Flight A, B & C
Sunday, October 24, 2021
10:30 am & TBD (probably 2:30pm)
Online on BBO (Bridgebase)

District 24—which includes New York City and Long Island—will hold a tournament to determine who will represent the district at the spring national tournament, which will be held in March in 2022 at Reno, Nevada. As all the finals will be held on Oct 24 you may play in any ONE of the flights that you are eligible and qualified for. Please find you name in the district qualify list (Link below) to ensure that you qualified in the flight you want to play in.

The cost to play is $30 that includes both sessions. Make sure you have sufficient funds in
your BBO account prior to signing up.

Depending on your masterpoint eligibility (as of June 2021 cycle):

  • Flight A: Open to all players
  • Flight B: Open to players with 0-2500 masterpoints
  • Flight C: Open to Non-Life Masters with fewer than 500 masterpoints.

The top three finishers in Flight A and top four finishers in Flights B & C become eligible to represent District 24 at the spring nationals in Reno.

1st Place in each flight is expected to receive a travel subsidy of $700 per player
2nd Place in each flight is expected to receive a travel subsidy of $300 per player
3rd Place in each flight and 4th place in B & C may compete in the tournament but do not receive a stipend.

Players must be members of Units 155 or 242 (New York City or Long Island) as of June 1 of 2021 and need to have qualified for the NAP at a club or an online game. The Finals are held on Bridgebase and will begin at 10:30am. Please log in at least 15 minutes prior to
game start. The link to the tournament will be found under the ACBL World Tournament section.

If you don’t have a partner, you can look at the list of Distrcit 24 qualifiers.

For questions contact the NAP District Coordinator Bill Dinner at

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Last Chance to Qualify for NAP 2021

First, mark your calendars for Oct 24th, 2021. District 24 has a sanctioned and approved district final for NAP, all flights (Open, 0-2500, and NLM 0-500).

Club Qualification

To participate in the Oct 24th District finals, you and your partner must be members of District 24 and have each qualified in an NAP club qualifier game. The club qualifiers are special red point games held from June through August, and are required by the ACBL NAP Conditions of Contest. Our District has held dozens of qualifier games both online and live.

Qualify for NAP at 177 East 87th Street

If you have not yet qualified, this week is your last chance. The schedule is on the Bridge and Games website, and also posted here:

North American Pairs Qualifying Games at Bridge and Games, our 87th Street Club

1:00 pm Wednesday, August 25th through Tuesday, August 31st (no game on Sunday).
24 boards…$25.00 with lunch.
6:30 pm Monday, August 30th.
24 boards…$25.00 with pizza. 
Especially for this game…you MUST, MUST make a reservation: RSVP…

Qualifying for NAP Online or Anywhere Else

You and your partner may qualify on different dates, with different partners! Qualification is done individually, so even if you and your partner can not play at the same time this week, you can each individually find a time and different set of partners to meet your qualification.

You also do not need to qualify in a New York City club. An individual may qualify in any club in any district, including virtual clubs. You just need to make sure the virtual club is holding an NAP qualifier (All-For-One held them online last week, but this week will prioritize the face-to-face games).

Each virtual club has their own guest policy – you may need to do some research to find eligible games and clubs. Shore Bridge Club and Alliance are two virtual clubs from neighboring New Jersey and Long Island, each holding NAP qualifiers this week (either you or partners you know likely have access).

Per ACBL rules, if you had previously played in those clubs before Covid, you are likely a member of the virtual club. Otherwise, you need to inquire about guest access.

More about NAP National Finals

The NAP is a “grass roots” event, meaning qualification takes place at the club and then District level before the National finals, typically held at the Spring NABC in March. This year’s event is scheduled for Reno in March 2022. There are three flights: A (open), B (under 2500 masterpoints), and C (non-life masters under 500 masterpoints). Masterpoint limits are as of the June 2021 cycle. Each District sends the top pairs from each of the three flights to compete in the national finals. 

Typically, ACBL gives a travel subsidy to the top 2 pairs in Flight B and C. As with all ACBL grassroots events, the top pairs in each flight win a lot of gold and red points. Our District’s qualifying event will be held online on Sunday, October 24th (more details to follow). 

A Note on NAP vs GNT Flights

It’s a little confusing because GNT has 4 flights (Open, 6000, 2500, NLM 500), called Championship, A, B, and C. For whatever reason, NAP only has the three flights, called A, B, and C. Once you are above 2500, you are ready to play with the top pros.

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NAP in District 24, Club Quals and District Finals

After a nice lull following GNTs, there is suddenly a whole lot going on in the ACBL world. First off, a lot of folks are asking about NAP club qualifiers. You still have 2 full weeks to qualify, the All-For-One alliance and NYC Bridge / Honors promising quite a few sessions.

The Honors / All-For-One Schedule

What If You Can’t Make Those Sessions??

According to the NAP Conditions of Contest, an individual may qualify at any NAP club qualifier event in any district! Virtual clubs also count. If you happen to have membership in a virtual club outside of NYC that is running a qualifier, you might try that as well. However, keep in mind NAP is a grassroots event. The spirit of the event is to support clubs and drum up broad interest in the national championship tournaments. We encouraging supporting the NYC clubs.

Partnerships Across Flights? (Mixed Flight Partnerships)

What happens when you are a Flight C player partnering with a Flight B player? The two of you can partner up and play in a 0-2500 NAP qualifier. If you happen to make the top 50% of the field, you will both be individually qualified for Flight B, and the C player is qualified for C in addition to B.

This is explicitly covered in the Mixed Flight Partnerships.

  1. Partnerships consisting of players of different flights must enter events in the flights
    eligible to the top player.
  2. Any player who qualifies in a flight higher than his own is deemed to have also qualified
    in his own flight for the next level of competition.

Here are the official ACBL NAP conditions of contest.

What Day is the District NAP Final for My Flight?

The tentative plan is for Sunday, October 24th to be the date of the District 24 NAP finals. All flights will run on the same day, and the event will likely be online. Note, this date is tentative and might be subject to change. Check with your Unit officers or this website for the latest info.

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District 24 and 25 Regional Director Debate 8/11

The ACBL board of directors is going through a massive overhaul. For years, the board of directors consisted of 1 director per district for a total of 25 people representing all regions of North America. Now we are reducing that to 12 regions, where D24 and D25 will be represented by one director.

Who Will Be The Regional Director?

The election has 3 candidates (in arbitrary order): David Moss from D24, Allan Graves from D25, and Mark Aquino from D25. They will speak to all of the voting unit board members tomorrow on a massive Zoom debate / speech pow wow / caucus. Should be interesting!

Mark Aquino | American Contract Bridge League
Mark Acquino
Allan Graves
Allan Graves
David Moss
David Moss

Why Would We Reduce the Board of Directors Size?

What does it mean? Well, perhaps it’s easier to get 12 people to agree on things than 25? The cost of subsidizing 25 people to attend NABC 3 times a year will be roughly cut in half? Keep in mind, the Districts remain intact for now. There are still 25 districts to send players to represent in the GNT and NAP events. There will still be masterpoint races by district. But I suppose there will no longer be a district director for D24 and D25. Just a lot of unit presidents (Adam Parrish is president of U155), and then one regional director.

What Does the Board of Directors Do Anyway?

Quite a bit is always discussed, and some things voted upon. Their motions and minutes are always posted on ACBL, if you do some digging. Of the many motions under consideration each year, some of the most impactful have been the decision to allow Districts to send 2 teams in Flight B and C – a decision that ultimately allowed our 2nd place Flight C NYC team to win the national finals!

Each director has equal vote, but districts were more or less equal in ACBL population (District 25 is about 50% larger than District 24 – but their land mass includes the vast majority of New England).

How Does the Voting Work?

Only board members of their respective units may vote. For New York City, it is the board members of the GNYBA! Each vote is multiplied by the ACBL member population of that unit, but divided by the number of board members who cast a vote in that unit (if 20 out of 25 board members cast a vote with 5 abstaining, then my vote is 5% of our unit). Our vote carries quite a bit more weight than most units, because of our large ACBL population. However, D25 overall has 8 units that total to far more votes than both NYC and Long Island.

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ACBL Board of Governors Meeting 7/19/2021

The Board of Governors is meeting again today. Didn’t we just have a BoG meeting two weeks ago? Yes, but that was a special meeting to discuss any reactions we would have to the Board of Directors meeting during NAOBC (in particular, sensitive decisions around the ethics committee and decisions around the virtual club membership policies).

You can see a video of that meeting.

First, ACBL financials are doing well. During the pandemic, ACBL revenues were $100K below budget, but expenses were $842K below budget, for a net change of $742K. The net operating income for the year due to operations was $899K! Not bad for a pandemic, thanks in large part of the virtual clubs and online regionals.

This is a regular meeting which includes updates and reports from ACBL executives: the president, executive director, in-house consel, treasurer, and others. We also discuss motions and various other items of interest. Here is the recap of the meeting:

First, we did achieve a quorom.

Minutes from prior meeting approved.

You can take a look at the prior meeting minutes.

Revision of the mask policy:

If a player is willing to prove they have been fully -vaccinated 14 days prior to the tournament, then the player will not be required to mask for the tournament.

Update from In-House Counsel:

There is still pending litigation discussed last time between former and current ACBL directors and the ACBL. Following a court decision, ACBL has agreed to retroactively pay overtime in numerous cases. Some of the directors are appealing the court decision, and so the litigation continues.

Financial Report

See some prepared financial slides.

Updates on ACBL Board of Directors Meeting:

The discussion item from the prior meeting, requiring every player at ACBL clubs to have a membership number, has a promising update. During the Board of Governor special meeting two weeks ago, the feedback was overwhelmingly negative for requiring ACBL numbers for club players. Management has heard the feedback and decided not to move forward for now with any motion or changes.

Also discussed last time, a proposal to reduce the subsidy and per diem for board of directors members during NABCs. Specifically, ACBL could save $34,000 by reducing the subsidy for the days after the BoD meeting but prior to the end of the NABC. The board of directors passed this motion effective 2022 (after Austin NABC).

Other Business And Questions?

There was discussion about how members can prove their vaccine status per the new mask policy. Joseph Jones said that is still in discussion, but it is likely ACBL will partner with a 3rd party service that can provide digital certificates for fully vaccinated members. In-House counsel reminded us that clubs are private establishments who set their own rules and guidelines. ACBL does not control a club’s mask policy. The policy only applies to tournaments (sectionals, regionals, NABC).

Vaccines that were approved by the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda would all qualify. However, there is not yet a decision on vaccines approved by other countries not including the above.

Quite a few board of governors members mentioned that enforcement will be very difficult. For example, members raised concerns the vaccine certification might not be rigorously checked, and those without vaccines might wear masks to start but not diligently keep them on. Would wrist bands or badges be a solution? There seems to be overall a lot of concerns about how the mask policy will properly be implemented, given the new vaccination status revision.

Coffee Service Update

If we can obtain coffee at a reasonable price, there will be coffee for the Board of Governors meeting in Austin.

Should Board of Governors Change their Name?

Back to the question of the Board of Governors being a poor name, should we change the name? It is not a board, and does not govern. What are some other possible names?

A Committee that looked into this has provided 3 possible options:

Advisory Council
Advocacy Council
Advisory Board

Note, the committee originally considered “counsel” in place of “council”, which would also be a somewhat fitting and descriptive name.

The newly named entity would have no difference in responsibilities or operating procedures – it is simply designed to be a more intuitive name for what the current board of governors does.

Barbara Nudelman, former ACBL President and former Board of Governor Chair, recommended that we do not change anything because the old name worked, and is not broken.

Another member mentioned that changing the name of the BoG might gain the group a clean slate and newfound respect, because of concerns that the BoG has not commanded much respect over the past 55 years Past President Bob Heller agreed.

A motion was put to the floor that the BoG change the name (to something to be determined). The votes were 39 in favor and 12 opposed. So the motion passes.

Note: As District 24 2nd alternate to District Director, I am a voting member of the Board of Governors and voted against the motion. Why? Because I would prefer to spend our energies discussing more pressing matters.

Choosing the New Board of Governors Name: Advisory Council?

Nance Lodge mentioned it might be important to have some version of the word Representative in the name, because that is a large part of what we do for our Districts and the membership. She also said we should table the proposals and come back in the future with additional thoughts.

However, the board went to a vote and there were 25 in favor of Advisory Council and 14 opposed. It seems we will soon be called the ACBL Advisory Council instead of the Board of Governors!

Timing of Future Special Meetings

In the future, the Advisor Council, formerly BoG, can maximize impact on ACBL and the membership by obtaining written copies of all motions that will be voted on during the ACBL Board of Directors meeting. A straw poll of the majority of members in attendance felt this was a good idea.

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Team Xing and Merlo advance to GNT National Finals!

Congrats to our Flight B and C GNT teams for making it to the 2021 finals! That automatically ensures them a spot on the Wikipedia page forever. Team Merlo got slightly more rest today after their semifinal opponents conceded the match after the 3rd segment.

In Flight C, Team Xing defeated D16’s Team Justman is a very hard fought match. Interestingly, Team Justman is also the team that knocked out our other New York entry, Team Wagner in the Round of 16 two days prior.

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ACBL Multi-Day Pairs Events at NAOBC: Automatic Prepaid “Consolation” Entries?

I tend to prefer team games to pairs, but I noticed an interesting quirk in the NAOBC multi-day pairs events. You prepay for ALL days of the event. For the 2-day pairs events starting today, you pay either $64 for the limited events, and $70 for the open.

However, you do NOT get a refund if you do not qualify into day 2. Instead, you are automatically entered into the regional one-day pairs event the following day, with the same masterpoints limits.

It looks like you pay the NAOBC+ or NAOBC rate for Day 1, then the regional event for day 2. That seems a little bit weird to me. I understand it’s much easier when BBO charges everyone the same price, up front, rather than a per-day charge. However, it seems VERY unattractive to tell players that they are required to pay for and play a one-day regional after not qualifying.

Double Consolation Game?

The three-day pairs events are set up the same way. If you do not qualify for Day 2, you are kicked into the two-day pairs event. For THAT event, if you do not qualify for Day 2, you are kicked into the one-day regional. So on that third day, it becomes the double consolation game for two different NAOBC+ / NOABC events!

First off, that should be a quite large field, for artificial reasons. It will have 75% of the field from the three-day pairs event, AND 50% of the additional field from the two-day pairs event, assuming that event attracted pairs previously not interested in the 3-day event.

Does that mean, if you ARE going to play any one-day game, pick the last day of the 3-day pairs event, which is Sunday, July 25th, for a bonanza of tables (and possibly, a biased field). Something about this feels a little bit like the Freaky KOs from two years ago…

My advice to BBO and ACBL: please let players just pay by the day on BBO for multi-day pair events. Or charge for the whole thing up front, but then refund all the pairs who do not qualify (using BBO dollars, which should be easy).

For reference, the rules on the entry fees:

Entry Fees

Grand National Teams: Free

NAOBC+ Events (multi-day open events): $20 / player/ session

NAOBC Events (multi-day limited events): $17 / player / session

Regional events (one-day open events and one-day limited events): $15 / player / session

Purchase of entries for two-day NAOBC+ and NAOBC events will cover both the first and second days’ sessions. After the first day, those who finish in the top half of the field will automatically be entered into the two-session final. Those who finish the first day in the bottom half of the field will automatically be entered into the next day’s two-session Regional event. Regardless, participants will be charged for one day of NAOBC+ and NAOBC entry fees and one day of Regional entry fees. Those who qualify for the finals of their event will have earned a discount.

Entry to the Three-Day NAOBC+ and NAOBC events work similarly. Participants will pay for one day of NAOBC+ entry fees and two days of Regional entry fees. However, players finishing in the bottom half of the three-day NAOBC+ and NAOBC events will also have a free entry to the NAOBC+ or NAOBC Two-Day Pairs that start the next day.

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GNT 2021 National Finals Enters Round of 16

The national finals of the Grand National Teams kicked off yesterday, with 6 teams from New York and Long Island representing in the 4 flights. In the championship and A flights, each of the 25 districts send exactly one team (or none in rare cases if no one qualifies). For flights B and C, districts can send 1 or 2 teams, depending on the number of teams who show up for the District finals. Our District, D24, managed to send 2 teams in each of B and C!

Follow the NAOBC GNT results.

Lineup for Round of 16

The opening round was a big swiss, similar to the old Sundays we know and love at Woodbridge and Allendale (and at the Midtown Hilton). In the round of 16, things get very serious very quickly. Every match will consist of 4 segments, an all-day, 52 board KO against just one other team. The brackets are all based on the swiss results from yesterday, where the top teams at the end of 8 rounds can choose their opponents for the next day. In every flight, 16 teams have moved forward, and the field drops in half every day until the grand finale on Sunday, 7/18.

Championship Flight

Team Blanchard, seeded 16th after the swiss. This is a world-class team, filled with countless prior wins and titles. For example, Robert Blanchard won 40 platinum points in the Roth Open Swiss, 2019, and made the quarter-finals of the first NAOBC KO teams.

Flight A

Team Cable, seeded 13th after the opening swiss. Among many other achievements, Lorraine Cable and David Yoon recently won 30 gold points placing 6th in the Las Vegas 2019 Mini-Blue Ribbon Pairs.

Flight B

Team Merlo: seeded 14th after the opening swiss. Special congrats to Chris Moh, who 3 days prior won 1st place in the national NAOBC online individual robot tournament!

Flight C

Team Xing: seeded 8th after the opening swiss. Members of this team recently made the quarterfinals of the 0-5000 NOABC KO teams, and a top 5 finish in the NOABC 0-1500 pairs.

Team Wagner (plus one last minute augmentation), seeded 14th after the opening swiss. You’ve probably seen us all at Honors over the years. Also making an appearance, Ben Klauder playing for Austin, Texas. Prior to moving, he was our D24 NAP Flight C representative in 2019, and a former fellow Friday Night Wine and Cheese volunteer.

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