Good news, we have a working list of teams who are pre-registered for GNTs. We could use a few more, in particular in Flight C which allows us to send 2 teams to the Philadelphia NABCs as long as we have 8 teams in the opening round swiss.
If you have a team to register, which you may edit at any time, please register asap. In addition to assisting the organizers and director, one major advantage of pre-registering is voting on your favorite pizza topping. Currently mushroom pizza* is in the lead…
Defending Champions?
We do have defending champions in most flights, other than Flight C. Team Lipkin is back to defend their Championship Flight victory with 75% of the same team composition. Team Poon has the identical team from last year, where they qualified into the Round of 8 in 6th place and proceeded to win 3 KOs to win the District GNT-B, earning 33.5 gold points, a trip to Toronto nationals, and the hardest-earned possible invitation to the Blue Ribbon Pairs.
Flight A currently has the 2023 season champions registered, with Team Trabulus easily the most consistently winning grassroots team across the past 8 years. Combined their team has represented the New York City and Long Island almost every year, sometimes multiple times a year, in the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams.
Flight C technically does not qualify as defending champions under the conditions, but the prior winners from the NAP-C nationals and GNT-C nationals merged on to a combined team. Still, we should also point out that Flight C is the most accessible event of the year for newer players, and last year our finalists had never scored IMPs prior to the event. All players are not Life Masters and have 0-750 Masterpoints.
*If you registered prior to the pizza topping vote, you may edit your response and we will re-tally, or just let us know via email