The Annual Membership Meeting of the Greater New York Bridge Association (GNYBA) will be held in person at 2:50 pm at the regional tournament at the Times Square Marriott on Saturday, December 28th.
The GNYBA Nominating Committee has nominated the following new candidates for a one-year term on the Board:
Yasmine Guenancia
David Moss
Our bylaws allow additional candidates to be added by petition. If you would like to be added as a candidate for the 2024 Board, you can nominate yourself and provide a petition with 50 signatures supporting your candidacy. Once received, your name will be added to the roster of new candidates. Please reply to: Alan Davidson ( by December 15th.
In the absence of petition candidates, these new candidates will join the following continuing (completing a 2-year term) and returning (starting a new 2-year term) Directors to comprise the GNYBA Board for 2024, beginning January 1, 2025.
The annual meeting will also approve the slate of officers and directors nominated by the board, which is as follows:
Proposed Slate of Officers
President: Melanie Petsch
Vice President: Lee Lin
Vice President & Secretary: Alan Davidson
Treasurer: Jeffrey Rothstein
Tournament Co-chair: Philip Lentz
Tournament Co-chair: William Sigward
Proposed Board of Directors Slate
Jeff Bayone (***)
Stephanie Culbertson (***)
Alan Davidson (***)
Yasmine Guenancia (*)
Maya Jonas-Silver (**)
Phil Lentz (***)
Stephen Levine (***)
Lee Lin (***)
Richard Marchione (***)
Rachael Moller (***)
David Moss (*)
Adam Parrish (***)
Melanie Petsch (***)
Amy Rhodes (***)
Tom Romeo (**)
Jeffrey Rothstein (***)
William Sigward (***)
Deborah Tormey (***)
Norman Trabulus (***)
Barbara Ullman (***)
Gail Wallach (***)
Mee Warren (***)
Abigail Weinshank (***)
(*) Beginning a new 1-year Term
(**) Completing a 2-year Term
(***) Beginning a new 2-year Term