Our District and Unit had many solid performances in Toronto! For those who made top 20 in NABC events, you’ll be in the Bridge Bulletin in a few months. Since we don’t have a District GNT photo, we can only offer the D24 NAP Team Photo from Louisville.

Congrats to D24 Players
There are so many notable District 24 successes from this latest two NABCs. If you finished in the top 20 of a named NABC event, your name will appear in the bridge sometime in the September or October issue. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the one-day regional events, such as the daily Gold Rush, Open Pairs, or Bracketed Team events.

Red Ribbon Decline?
The C&C committee meets soon and influences events and scheduling – they especially want to continue attracting mid-flight players to the NABCs. Send your feedback in the comments or write to any GNYBA officer or board member.
By having Micro Spingold start Wed, we hoped it would boost the Red Ribbon attendance, or vice versa. Looking at the data, Micro-Spingold did get a nice boost, but Red Ribbon was much smaller. It seems Red Ribbon is declining in popularity and could use a marketing boost of sorts. Or maybe better to just move it to begin in the infamous Monday / Tuesday gap right after the Micro-LM pairs?
Top chart was Chicago 2023, bottom was original proposed Toronto.