Our District just finished our most successful Flight C GNT run in history, taking 1st and 2nd place nationwide! Even though Chicago NABCs just concluded, we already have dates set for the next year NAP and GNT District Finals.
Championship Flight:
Round 1: Saturday Feb 24th
KO Phase 1: Sunday Feb 25th
GNT Flight A (0-6000 Masterpoints):
Round 1: Sunday, Feb 4th
KO Phase: Saturday, Feb 24th
GNT Flight B (0-2500 Masterpoints):
Round 1: Sunday, Feb 25th
KO Phase: TBD, the Unit will consult with semi-finalist teams
GNT Flight C (0-500 Masterpoints, Non-Life Masters only):
Round 1: Sunday, Feb 4th
KO Phase: Saturday, Feb 24th
Changes to Conditions
This year we will see a few interesting changes to the conditions. Most notably, Flight C for NAP and GNT will follow the Basic+ Convention Chart. For the last 4 years, Flight C and all 0-750 events followed Basic, disallowing Multi-Landy 1N-(2D) showing an unknown suit. Also, opening 2N showing both minors with 8-12 HCP is disallowed in Basic. Strong 1C followed by an artificial response of 1H, 1S, or 1N was disallowed. Thankfully, all of these are ok in Basic+.
You are still not allowed to play transfer walsh, or most transfer oriented systems unless it is a game-forcing response. Polish club showing an ambiguous strong or average hand is also disallowed in Basic+ and Basic. Opening 1D that could be as short as 1 or 0 is not allowed because all 1D openings must be quasi-natural.
That means the chart and allowed conventions for Flight B and Flight C are identical. It will be interesting to see how that impacts the already blurry B/C line in our District.
I tried to sign up for a place on Susan Montgomery’s team, but you made me a captain.
I have tried to cancel, but you will not let me. This a very difficult sight. Please cancel me as captain and put me on Mongomery’s team. Thank you!
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