Monthly Archives: July 2023

D24 GNT Dates for 2024 Season

Our District just finished our most successful Flight C GNT run in history, taking 1st and 2nd place nationwide! Even though Chicago NABCs just concluded, we already have dates set for the next year NAP and GNT District Finals. Championship … Continue reading

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October Regional, NAP, Gold Points

As we all recover from the Chicago NABCs, there are still many exciting events on the horizon for earning gold points. Astoria World Manor It’s happening. We will hold a regional this fall at an all new location, the Astoria … Continue reading

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Very interesting. Today is the Advisory Council General Meeting, formerly the ACBL Board of Governors. ACBL Executive Director Bronia Jenkins revealed the new Picklebridge initiative. ACBL will work with Pickleball clubs and encourage members to play a game of pickleball, … Continue reading

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Chicago NABC Day 8: 2x NYC Micro-Spingold Semi

Another District 24 Showdown? In an incredible display of skill and stamina, we might see another NYC final KO as two primarily District 24 teams ascend to the semi-finals of the Chicago 2023 Micro-Spingold. The team of Avery Silverstein, Jack … Continue reading

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NABC Chicago Day 5: LM Pair Winners

Congrats to all of the Unit 155 and Unit 242 finalists in the various LM Pairs events. In particular, Charles Bilich from Hewlett and Michael Krevor from Port Washington paired up to finish 4th nationwide in the Young Pairs (aka, … Continue reading

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Chicago NABC Day 4: Young Pairs Qualifiers

Congrats to the District 24 Pairs who are advancing to the semi-finals of the Young Pairs in Chicago. Previously called the Young LM Pairs, a few years ago ACBL dropped the requirement that a player achieve Life Master prior to … Continue reading

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Chicago NABC Day 3: Both NYC Teams Reach GNT-C Semi-Finals

Amazing! A huge congrats to our two GNT-C teams, who have both made it to the semi-finals after Day 3 of the Chicago NABC 2023. For many of them, it was their first time playing behind bidding screens, and each … Continue reading

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Chicago NABC Day 1: New York GNT Teams

Today is a great day in District 24 history as we kick off the national finals of the Grand National Teams. For the first time ever, New York City and Long Island is sending 6 teams to the face-to-face NABCs. … Continue reading

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Motions and Committee Decisions: Summer 2023

It’s time for the 3x per year committee meetings that take place just prior to or during the NABCs. Here are some of the discussions from the MP Committee, C&C, and Advisory Council, my main touchpoints with the national branch … Continue reading

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