It’s time again for the quarterly Edison sectional from our neighbors in District 3. For those who know the drill, here is the latest July 2023 Edison sectional tournament flyer.
Edison Schedule Set Through October 2024!
Unit 140 is a bit more organized than we are, and they actually have their next 3 sectionals already approved on the ACBL calendar. In addition to the July 28-30, 2023 sectional, there will be at least two Edison sectionals next year:
May 17-19, 2024
October 18-20, 2024

I certainly don’t plan my silver point runs more than 6 months in advance, let alone a whole year, but good to know it’s there. Another important point, we can ensure our NAP 2024 dates do not collide with our neighbors (for example, in 2024, perhaps NAP should be Flight B on October 13th and Flight A/C on October 27th).

Changes This Time?
We last ventured to Edison on May 20th. Other than the butterflies turning into mermaids, the schedule looks identical. Pairs on Fri/Sat begin at 10am and 2:30pm, with a relatively quick pizza and soda lunch in between. Sunday is the Swiss Teams beginning at 10:30am. Again, note the time difference: Fri/Sat starts at 10:00. Sunday at 10:30. There have been some carpool close calls if only one person thinks the pairs day is 10:30 as well. My advice: treat every day like a 10am start — you’ll be able to better enjoy the Sunday bagel breakfast.
As usual, each pairs session is an independent single-session. If you only want to play for 3 hours, then it’s best to go for the afternoon 2:30pm; those have the GrassRoots bonus, paying a regionally rated amount (27.27% more than a normal sectional).