Our neighbors in New Jersey are having another sectional next month. As usual, it is a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from March 3rd to 5th.
Download the latest Edison Sectional Tournament Flyer.
10:30 AM Sunday Swiss
In the previous Edison sectional, all 3 days started at 10am. However, the Sunday Swiss this time is a different!.
Food service is back, just as in the good old Woodbridge days. While the Friday and Saturday pairs sessions begin at 10am (which allows the afternoon to begin at 2:30, giving everyone time to head over for dinner). However, the Sunday Swiss starts a little bit later at 10:30am. If you forget, that’s not a problem. You and your team can just enjoy the bagel breakfast that begins at 9:30am.
Grassroots Afternoons
As in the past, the Friday and Saturday afternoon sessions have the special Grassroots bonus. These sessions pay about 30% more silver points than the morning session. However, our advice is to block off the entire day and just play both sessions regardless. If you have a lackluster morning session, you can regroup in the afternoon knowing that the Masterpoint stakes are higher!
Same Pricing: $14 per person per session
While inflation seems to be impacting goods and services of all sorts, the Edison sectional is still charging the same very affordable card fee of $28 per pair per session ($14 per person). The team game is the same, quoted as $112 per team for the two-session swiss, and includes breakfast and lunch.
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