Don’t worry, there is still plenty of time to qualify for NAPs this year. The NYC face-to-face club has over half a dozen dates for NAP qualifier games. Here they are:
August Bridge and Games NAP Club Qualifier Dates:
1:00 pm times:
Friday, August 5th
Thursday, August 11th
Wednesday, August 17th
Saturday, August 20th
Tuesday, August 23rd
Saturday, August 27th
Monday, August 29th
All NAP Club Qualifiers pay bonus masterpoints using the more generous tournament formula, with half red half black pigmentation.
Online Alliance Bridge Club Qualifier Dates:

If you played at either Honors or Sagamore pre-pandemic, you are almost certainly a member of the Alliance Bridge Club. They are holding NAP qualifiers online from August 18th to August 31st. In fact, almost all of their games during those dates are club qualifiers — you only need to qualify once to be eligible to compete in the district NAP finals.
Qualification Complexities
Qualifying requires placing in the top 50% of the field for your eligible flight. For example, a pair of Flight C eligible players who are overall in the top half would qualifier for NAP Flight A, B, and C. A pair that is only 45% overall but still in the top half of Flight B and C pairs would qualify for Flights B and C.
When a pair qualifies for an NAP Flight, both individuals are qualified but may play in the district finals with a different qualified partner. In other words, you do not have to play in the district finals with the same partner as your club qualifier.
When a partnership includes players from different flights (say a Flight B and Flight C player), then that pair may only qualify for the higher flights during that game (Flight A or B). There are also special club qualifier games for 0-500 players (check the online schedule), which can be helpful for Flight C pairs attempting to qualify. You may also qualify in a different district’s NAP club qualifier game, both face-to-face or online, if the Bridge and Games and Alliance schedules do not align with yours.
NAP Club Qualification is always a complicated and confusing process, but fortunately, there are a still lots of chances to qualify.
District 24 NAP Finals October 2022
The D24 NAP finals for all flights will be held in late October, most likely online. Check back soon for the final and official announcement.
What time is the nap bbo on oct 23rd