As everyone knows, 2020 and 2021 were sort of mulligan years for all things bridge. We did not have a GNYBA player of the year, Goldman Pairs, Countess Cup, or any of the other normal New York events. But don’t worry, we are slowly walking the path towards the new normal. Bridge and Games has a live game 7 days a week, and for the first time in over a decade, we have a Winter Sectional that offers team games and awards silver points.
What Is The Annual Meeting? Should We Go?
Yes! The annual meeting will be conveniently held on the same day as the Winter Sectional swiss teams event, shortly after round 4 (official time is 2:30pm ET). This is probably the first live ACBL swiss event that most of us have had a chance to play in almost two years (unless you went to Austin NABC). So come sign up for the Swiss teams and attend the very brief annual meeting for fun. How brief? I’d be shocked if it is longer than 15 minutes.
What Will Be Discussed?
What actually happens? We are approving some changes to the Bylaws to give future boards more flexibility. First, some rules to make running GNYBA more convenient. Future boards no longer need a minimum of 24 board members. We can manage with as few as 12 and as many as 30. Meetings may be held on Zoom and future annual meetings do not have to fall strictly in the calendar year.
We also propose to eliminate term limits. Currently, no one may serve as a board member for more than 7 consecutive years (but can resume after taking a 10 month break). The new proposal eliminates any mention of term limits.
Finally, we are approving the board members and officers for next year. No one is running opposed. In fact, there is room for more, if anyone is interested, you may nominate yourself. You mist collect 50 signatures from GNYBA members in good standing, then submit to a board member at least 10 days prior to the annual meeting (if you go through that much trouble, you have my vote!).
For those who are curious, here are the existing Bylaws.
Notice to the Greater New York Bridge Association Membership
The GNYBA will be holding its annual membership meeting on December 29 between sessions of the sectional at Bridge and Games 177 East 87th Street, Northwest corner of 87th and 3rd Ave, Suite 302A.You can also participate via Zoom; the zoom link and info is at the bottom of this mail.
Due to the special circumstances presented by the pandemic, the board proposed and approved changes to the GNYBA bylaws to provide more flexibility in board meetings and operations. Other changes were made to update and modernize some language. These changes must be ratified by the membership at the annual meeting. A copy of the amended bylaws is attached below.
The annual meeting will also approve the slate of officers and directors nominated by the board. This slate is:
Proposed Slate of Officers
Adam Parrish, President
Lee Lin, Vice President
Katherine Todd, Vice President
Marla Lawson, Tournament Chair
Jeffrey Rothstein, Treasurer
William Sigward, Secretary
Proposed Board of Directors Slate
Jeff Bayone
Alan Davidson (**)
Jin Hu
Marla Lawson (**)
Phil Lentz
Francine Levine
Stephen Levine
Lee Lin
Richard Marchione
Mark Mariaschin
Rachel Moller
Adam Parrish
Melanie Petsch (*)
Amy Rhodes
Andrew Rosenthal
Jeffrey Rothstein
Allison Rudary
William Sigward
Aaron Silverstein
Katherine Todd
Norman Trabulus
Gail Wallach
Jacqlyn Wank
Mee Warren
Abigail Weinshank (**)
(*) Beginning a new 1-year Term
(**) Beginning new 2-year term
Zoom Link and Info:
Topic: GNYBA Annual MeetingTime:
Dec 29, 2021 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 6039 4083
Passcode: 435858
One tap mobile
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