First, mark your calendars for Oct 24th, 2021. District 24 has a sanctioned and approved district final for NAP, all flights (Open, 0-2500, and NLM 0-500).
Club Qualification
To participate in the Oct 24th District finals, you and your partner must be members of District 24 and have each qualified in an NAP club qualifier game. The club qualifiers are special red point games held from June through August, and are required by the ACBL NAP Conditions of Contest. Our District has held dozens of qualifier games both online and live.
Qualify for NAP at 177 East 87th Street
If you have not yet qualified, this week is your last chance. The schedule is on the Bridge and Games website, and also posted here:
North American Pairs Qualifying Games at Bridge and Games, our 87th Street Club
1:00 pm Wednesday, August 25th through Tuesday, August 31st (no game on Sunday).
24 boards…$25.00 with lunch.
6:30 pm Monday, August 30th.
24 boards…$25.00 with pizza.
Especially for this game…you MUST, MUST make a reservation: RSVP…

Qualifying for NAP Online or Anywhere Else
You and your partner may qualify on different dates, with different partners! Qualification is done individually, so even if you and your partner can not play at the same time this week, you can each individually find a time and different set of partners to meet your qualification.
You also do not need to qualify in a New York City club. An individual may qualify in any club in any district, including virtual clubs. You just need to make sure the virtual club is holding an NAP qualifier (All-For-One held them online last week, but this week will prioritize the face-to-face games).
Each virtual club has their own guest policy – you may need to do some research to find eligible games and clubs. Shore Bridge Club and Alliance are two virtual clubs from neighboring New Jersey and Long Island, each holding NAP qualifiers this week (either you or partners you know likely have access).
Per ACBL rules, if you had previously played in those clubs before Covid, you are likely a member of the virtual club. Otherwise, you need to inquire about guest access.
More about NAP National Finals
The NAP is a “grass roots” event, meaning qualification takes place at the club and then District level before the National finals, typically held at the Spring NABC in March. This year’s event is scheduled for Reno in March 2022. There are three flights: A (open), B (under 2500 masterpoints), and C (non-life masters under 500 masterpoints). Masterpoint limits are as of the June 2021 cycle. Each District sends the top pairs from each of the three flights to compete in the national finals.
Typically, ACBL gives a travel subsidy to the top 2 pairs in Flight B and C. As with all ACBL grassroots events, the top pairs in each flight win a lot of gold and red points. Our District’s qualifying event will be held online on Sunday, October 24th (more details to follow).
A Note on NAP vs GNT Flights
It’s a little confusing because GNT has 4 flights (Open, 6000, 2500, NLM 500), called Championship, A, B, and C. For whatever reason, NAP only has the three flights, called A, B, and C. Once you are above 2500, you are ready to play with the top pros.
How do we register?