Currently, the GNYBA League does not award ACBL masterpoints. We only award a small quantity of fame and glory. Should it and could it award points? That’s a question for ACBL to answer someday in the future.
Would paying points be helpful to the league? In other words, would it have a meaningful positive impact on participation? And would we need to change the way we run it? We would be curious to hear from all players whether it makes a difference (both the points and modifications to how we run the league).
Fastest Players Shoutout Round 4: Frogs Versus Hinterland

This round fastest player shoutout goes to Jordan Lampe, Christopher Moh, Ralph Buchalter, and Jeff Roman vs Anita Heitler , Don Heitler, Tom Bishel, and Brian Ross. Both tables finished in 97 minutes, and 12 minutes faster than the next closest team. That is extra impressive given The Frogs play a transfer-oriented symmetric relay system, with a strong club! Here is an example board of all the alerting that must be explained, starting with a strong club opener and opponents passing throughout.
1H (natural 2nd seat open, limited to 15 HCP)
1N (game forcing and artificial)
2C (2-suited with minor)
2D (tell me more)
2S (5-5 red suits)
2N (tell me more)
3C (shortness in spades)
4H (signoff, slam unlikely)
EDIT: An earlier version featured Board 16, however Board 11 is more representative of some of the system features.