We finished round 2 of the GNYBA league today, with a lot of close races on the victory point leaderboards. Matchups for round 3 are already posted. Remember, the plan is a five round swiss with no playbacks.
Round 2 Fast Players Shoutout: Gellas vs Deneroff
The fastest players this round were Valerie Deneroff, Marty Deneroff, Tom Hunter, and Robin Sanders vs Nancy Garvey, Bonnie Gellas, Eva Graczyk, and Gloria Tamlyn. Not only did both tables finish first out of the full 30-table match, but they beat the next fastest players by 10 minutes! The final score: 60 – 57, giving 10.82 Victory Points to team Deneroff.

Check back soon for our weekly GNYBA Pro hand analysis.