With the Big Apple Regional cancelled, ACBL is instead replacing our Memorial Day Weekend with Silver Linings Week! Virtual Private Clubs have received notice that club games will pay triple the normal amount, and all in silver!
Only Virtual Private Clubs
Keep in mind this only applies to Virtual Private Club games, not the generic nationwide Support Your Club ACBL game. If you’ve never done the Virtual Private Clubs, now is a great time to try and play at least one game, to make sure you are “on the list.”
ACBL requires virtual private club owners to restrict their games to players that have played in the physical club sometime in the past 365 days. But there are plenty of reasons why your BBO account might not be on the list. Give it a try now so you aren’t kicked out when it counts.
Entry Fees To Be Determined?
ACBL always charges the clubs a slightly higher sanction fee when awarding silver points. It doesn’t break the bank, but it will be interesting to see which clubs absorb the cost and which ones pass it through to the players.

Better Than STaC Week (If You Have Enough Tables)
ACBL is careful to say this is NOT a STaC. Your results will not be combined with other clubs to achieve an overall award. The formula is also different, with no STaC week flat bounty and a deeper slope. Instead, they will only use the table count in your specific virtual club game and multiply by 0.3 to award overall points to 1st place.
If there are 20 tables, then overall first would pay 6.0 silver (instead of the usual 2.0 black in a physical club, and 3.0 black in a virtual club). Normally during STaC week, a 20 table game would pay only 5.63 silver. However, if you have fewer than 16 or fewer tables in your game, then STaC week might have been better.
Life Master From Home!
It’s finally here. A chance to become a Virtual Life Master entirely playing from home. If you were lucky enough to get enough gold points during the Online Regional events, then this is your chance to bank lots of silver. You can get all the black you need playing with robots.
If I play with a member does it waive the 365 day ftf club rule?
I spoke a bit today with a director on BBO. It seems the cutoff most clubs use is Jan 1 2019. If you played in a club game in any of the host clubs within a virtual private club alliance, then you should already be on the list. However, both players in the partnership must be on the list.
Lee, thanks for the making the call to check, but boo to that answer… That answer is not very inclusive. One member should be good enough for a partnership to get to play. Aren’t we trying to build the game?