What a strange twist of fate. Just as the GNYBA Board was discussing whether New York should host a non-STaC sectional, we learned today another major source of silver points is in jeopardy.

Tournament Chair Brett Kunin announced the much beloved Hungarian American Citizens Club is closing next year, and March 8th, 2020 would be the final Woodbridge sectional. As they scramble to find a replacement, the requirements seem to be:
- 2500 square feet of playing space
- A location within the Unit, within budget of their $14 per session card fees
- Parking space for about 100 cars
The last requirement is “the bugaboo.”
If anyone has leads, I am sure they would love to hear suggestions (and for locations in Manhattan, jump in on the NYC sectional discussions).
Woodbridge Memories
I have fond memories of both Woodbridge and Brett. My very first game on ACBL Live is exactly two years ago at the Dec 2017 Woodbridge Winter Sectional. The crowd was smaller than usual as the weather forecasted snow and icy roads. There was also a concurrent STaC weekend in New York City, which shouldn’t be allowed if it is within 150 miles of a sectional.
Brett and his partner were the last pair we played in the morning session, and I distinctly remember his friendly and warm introduction, welcoming me to my first sectional in his district (I didn’t mention it was my first anywhere). Both pairs at that table came in nearly last place, but I was encouraged enough by the hospitality to come back many times!
The Woodbridge playing site is dreary, to say the least. Hopefully the organizers will find a more cheerful locale for the future –