District 24 Final
Sunday, October 27, 2013
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The NAPs is a three-stage event that begins with qualifying sessions at the local clubs. District 24 (New York City and Long Island) then holds a tournament to determine who will represent the district at the spring national tournament, this year held in Dallas, Texas.
You may play in one flight, depending on masterpoint eligibility
(as of June 2013):
Flight A: Open to all players
Flight B: Open to players with 0-2000 masterpoints
Flight C: Open to Non-Life Masters
with fewer than 500 masterpoints.
The top three finishers in each flight become eligible to represent New York at the national tournament March 20-30, 2014, in Dallas.
1st Place in each flight receives a $700/player stipend each to travel to the tournament.
2nd Place in each flight receives a $300/player stipend.
3rd Place in each flight may compete in the tournament but does not receive a stipend.
Further information available at:
Greater New York Bridge Association
Nassau-Suffolk Bridge Association